Saturday, October 27, 2012

The most appropriate title for this blog, don't you think? I thought I created a new blog a few weeks ago, but when I signed into this blog site I was driven through several hoops and here I am. Hmm.
This was an unusual night for me. My son graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with aspects in the gravitational area of the lunar modular, oh wait, I really don't know. I just know that he was one out of the five students that graduated with a Bachelor's Degree. A long haul, he went four nights every week, which I know I couldn't do, and he applied himself. I am so proud of him. Although he is only 40 years old, I tried to go back, I couldn't finish. It's not easy. And at 40, he still has twenty more years to work, or more. I am still proud of him. He still have enough time or more to do what he dreams of.  But I do know that it was a Bachelor's Degree and that is very important. The details escape me, I have them all written down somewhere. But, I really could have used a Doctor for a son but you know what? I am really happy that I have a Computer geek because I now remember that I have had two really great computers within the last three years and right now I have an i5 computer!!! Isn't that great? I really don't know what that is but it's great! And, within the next couple of months I know I will have Windows 8, I don't know how, but I will have it. Even though I am just getting used to Window 7 and Xcel, that's ok. I am retired. I have all the time in the world!!!!! Wa ha ha ha ha! Oh, I feel like Vincent Price!
Ibam not making fun of my son. He is really helping me keep up to date in the computer era. I have been retired for two years and I don't want to lose my knowledge of computers. I don't think I am going back to work anytime soon, but you never know. I did have a job to transcribe some work and I was glad I can still type 95 wpm. Maybe that is a plus.
Although this wasn't the introduction I was hoping for today, it will be cut short. It's late, I am sleepy and tired from celebrating. Not every day your kid graduates, you know. Then tells me he is going for his Master's! Oh yeah!!!